Darpan Dainik

www.darpandainik.com is an online news portal for all type of Nepali national, International, photography, business, sports, culture,politic etc. The news is updated 24/7 365 days a year. With the mission of being the paradigm in Nepal’s media fraternity "Darpan Dainik Pvt. Ltd.” a prominent media representative in the country. With people’s right to information as the primary objective, "www.darpandainik.com" and Darpan TV (Online TV) Under of Darpan Dainik Pvt. Ltd. was registered according to the law suit Government of Nepal. We will raise our continuous media role dedication towards socity and people. Similarly, We are fully based on the digital media likewise social media, Google and different version of information exchange are term correlated with us and so on we are planning to publish news on plethora of topics, including but not limited to: Politics, Health, Economic, National, Corporate, Entertainment, Sports, Agriculture and information Technology. Hence, with our strength we will help to build up your branding and market accessibility